Monday, June 30, 2008

Thursday, June 26

Today it has finally hit me that this trip is ending. I had a really great day with the novices. We read a biography on Gandhi. That they really seam to enjoy. Towards the end of our session, I picked up one of their bibles and began to read it and they insisted I take it with me. I have noticed throughout the past week that when I go to see them they are extremely tired and they told me today. We meet during their normal nap time. So I suggested we have nap time tomorrow. And they laughed.

After work Dalton and I went on a walk to spend every last rupee we had left, before leaving and later we met up with Stephen at Seams, where we watched King kong. For the last dinner in India. We went to a restaurant with the sisters from Dalton’s school. The most popular entree was fried rice. Dalton and I came back to the house to a black out. So we went upstairs and ate mangos under flashlight.

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