Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday May 20

Today was or second day at Assisi Illam with the children. We didn’t bring balloons today so the children were not quite as hyper as yesterday. We had planned to do bubbles, but didn’t get around to it because the foam alphabet pads were so popular! That was a good activity because both the youngest and the oldest children enjoyed it. It is amazing to see how the simplest things bring so much joy for these children. Seeing their little smiles makes the long plane ride and the 40+ degree heat entirely worth it. It is nice that I am getting to know the personalities of some of the children. Little John is very serious, so I am extra happy when I can get him to smile or laugh. Sophie is the most outgoing of the youngest children, whereas George can be quite shy. I know I will be incredibly sad to leave all of them and be left to wonder how they will grow up. I will have to be sure to enjoy these few weeks with them as much as I can.

“Be the change that you want to see in the world” – Gandhi


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