Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thursday May 22

As today was our fourth day with the children at Assisi Illam, there is a wonderful sense of family with everyone there. They all call us Auntie or Uncle, and in turn we know most of their names.

Today was special for me personally, because John played with me a little and let me hold him. He is very serious and shy, so it was a big deal for me. Jasmine is becoming more and more outgoing as well, which is nice because the first day all she would do is cry when we went near her.

The people here are so friendly and curious, we get them coming up to us to say hi everywhere we go. Someone is always willing to stop and chat, especially to ask us where we are from. Tomorrow is Sylvia’s fourth birthday, and Sarah and I are both looking forward to seeing what the nuns have planned. We also said that we would choreograph a dance to teach the kids, so we’re going to get on that!


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