Thursday, January 24, 2008

Global Volunteers India Team Journal - IND0801a1

January 18, 2008. Day 13 by Anne Littrell

It was a good day!

Pongal is over – the schedule is normal but smaller classes as some children are still on vacation. Roma and I have only 21 children at Assisi Illam Daycare – makes for an easier day. It is Lucy’s last day at St. Joseph’s and she finishes the day covered in dust from sanding the walls of the chapel. Joann and Lucy leave on Sunday. We will miss their enthusiasm. Joann was great with the kids at Assisi. Her fresh young approach was good for the kids. She was even able to bring giggles and laughter from Augustine.

George, Ruth, Jan and Ginny had smaller classes which enabled projects with more individual instruction. Ruth’s class had yoga instruction. From her description, sounds like a good idea for the Assisi children. Ginny’s children learned the words to “New York, New York” – with a Boston accent!

The nursing student nuns made a presentation with much detail all in English which Christine judged. She felt they did a very good job.

The SEAM children presented a song and dance program. Milka sang two songs and Rebecca danced with a candle. Afterwards candy was passed around.

We are so fortunate to have Stephen and Sheeba as our leaders. Their care, concern and thoughtfulness seems to be without limit. Thank you Stephen and Sheeba.

Thought for the day: Be the change you want for the world. Gandhi

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