Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

Today was a day of celebrations, heartfelt goodbyes with the hopes for a future return to India. Karen, Ricca and George will be leaving and I will be staying on. Our celebrations are for the honor and joy of serving in this community; for the relationships we have established with the children and our peers; for the unique opportunity we each have had in living with and giving care to those we care so much about; for witnessing how each of us has grown in an awareness of the importance of team cohesiveness. We are thankful especially to the SEAMS children who celebrated our coming and going with festive song and dance. We are thankful to the sisters and novices of St. Josephs who celebrated with our tam our last meal together.

Tearful goodbyes because those leaving will be making their way back to their respective country seemingly leaving the children but knowing that the most important aspect of this relationship will always be within our hearts.

Our hope for the future is to return to India to once again serve in this special community guided by our group leader Stephen, who we all admire and respect for making our experience one ff the most memorable of our lives.

Kathy Dedrick

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