Monday, March 3, 2008

Tuesday,February 26, 2008

Birgit Povlsen

Since this is my last opportunity to write in the journal, before I start with the events of the day I want to express how extraordinarily fortunate I feel to be a part of this fabulous team. In the almost two weeks since our arrival I haven’t witnessed so much as a cross word. I have found only support and humor---both in abundance. In a short time we have evolved from a group of strangers to a group of friends. I echo Larry when he said he would happily go on another Global adventure with this team----so where to next?

Of course nothing would have been possible without our team leader Stephen, and his wife Sheba. They have done everything possible to make our volunteer experience a successful one, and our time in India memorable, and fun. With them at the helm I think we managed to achieve most of the goals we set for ourselves on our first day as Team 63. Thank you Stephen and Sheba for your dedication and hard work.

Working at Asissi, and Seams has been both a challenge and a priviledge. The openness and warmth of the children would melt any heart. I know they have melted mine.

Jennifer, Eula, Anne and Birgit arrived at Assisi today, and were greeted by the usual exuberance of the children. We then divided into our groups of five children each, and began the hard work of ABC, counting and learning new words for as long as they would tolerate it. Then we brought out our new project of stringing sago noodles---a big hit. After the children finished, the noodles were collected by Sister Rose, and much to our surprise, and delight became a part of our lunch---very tasty. The afternoon was leisurely. We folded clothes and cuddled the little ones.

On our van ride home Peter and Helen reported on their grueling day of gate painting, and watching soap operas. Actually, their soap operas were interrupted by the lady from Scotland, and entertaining her became perhaps the most grueling part of the day.

Larry didn’t have anything special to report, but was satisfied at the way the day went. I am sure the children are thriving under his tutelage----how could they not?!

Rae had a surprise when she returned to her class after lunch to find not only her class, but also the ninth grade class. She was excited at first, thinking they had come to help, but then came to find out they were actually being punished. Since they insisted on responding in Tamil instead of in English, as they were supposed to in the class, as a punishment they were sent to the kindergarten to learn English. This whole exercise turned out to be a far greater punishment for Rae however then it was for the rebellious 9th graders.

Margery was having a good day in her classroom until a peddler came by and insisted she needed to buy some of his wares. No matter what she did she could not convince him that she was busy with her students, and not interested, It was not until the principal came to her aid that the peddler gave up and she was able to continue.

We all gathered at Seams before dinner for an evening of reading with the children as mosquitoes consumes us.

Our evening ended with good food and good conversation among friends. Stephen gave us another informative talk, this time about some of the other religions found in India such as Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Then we gradually drifted away from the table to prepare for tomorrow.

Quote: You never achieve real success unless you like what you are doing.

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