Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008


The four ‘aunties had a good day at Assisi, doing numbers, letters, stories, leggo blocks, songs and games. We’ve learned that we can’t control the chaos that 3,4, and 5 year olds often create, and instead to just go With the flow. Peter and Helen started their day completing the black fence painting and finished with gold-
Helen getting an Indian pedicure in the process. Larry tried to use his vocal chords a bit less in the classroom,Due to laryngitis. Rae continued on numbers in the classroom and thrilled them with a DVD in the afternoon. On her walk to the bidi store she was rescued from an ensuing dog by a courageous man who stopped
And got off his motorcycle to help her. After another satisfying day of teaching Margery too had an Indian Adventure. Becoming lost on her walk home she was led to safety across a busy thoroughfare by an elderly Woman. At SEAMS we focused on reading skills. Prabu and Mukesh seemed more motivated, which was Gratifying. We then donned our Indian garb with bidis from Rae, and were joined by Emily, Ann marie,and Fr.Paul for a sumptuous feast at a downtown hotel. It was a perfect last evening celebration. I too, thank Stephen, Sheba, Rani, Stephen I ,and Barnabus for their hard work and caring to help make our Experience successful and gratifying. I have enjoyed getting to know and working with all the team members And would like to stay in touch and hear about future travels and volunteering. A friend was right when she Said this work is life-changing. We are doubly blessed to be able to make friends and help others and ex-Perience the rich culture that is India.

The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than rule. Albert Einstein

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